Downtown Ortonville has that little something different at our unique and locally owned shops that offer a variety of quality products from gift and specialty shops, pampering services, antique shops, home décor, vintage furniture shops, and comfortable hometown eateries.

A charming and quaint small-town experience awaits you in Downtown Ortonville.

DDA Footprint The Ortonville DDA was created under the auspices of Michigan Public Act 197 of the Public Acts of 1975 to promote economic growth and development. The boundaries of the DDA are primarily contained within the Gateway and Downtown sections of the Village. There is also a small portion of the M-15 Commercial Corridor. Click on the link to view a map of the DDA District.

Market Analysis & Business Environment On September 13, 2017 a "Market Review and Business Recruitment Analysis" technical visit was provided to the Ortonville Downtown Development Authority, and coordinated by Main Street Oakland County and the National Main Street Center, Inc. The analysis reflects an examination of new market data collected prior to the visit based on a zip code analysis of the trade area, a review of the overall business mix for downtown Ortonville, and research of the area's basic underlying economics. This examination resulted in a set of "transformation strategies" that can be used as planning framework for not only addressing the most appropriate business recruitment targets, but as a focus for the more comprehensive revitalization efforts of the Ortonville DDA.

Below is a link to the report. In it you can review the recommendations on Transformation Strategies, key business recruitment targets, and other activities that might support this effort more comprehensively.
Ortonville Market Review & Business Recruitment Summary Report

About Us

The Ortonville DDA helps businesses and the community prosper together by assessing the needs of local businesses, customizing resources to meet those needs through strong partnerships, activities, community involvement, and special promotions. We provide technical expertise, a valuable network of contacts, and an array of benefits through viable partnerships. Read More